"Miles of Connection, Runs of Inspiration - Stronger Together, One Step at a Time"
Running is one of the best addictions one can get hooked on as well as, one of the best gifts one can give oneself due to its health benefits physically, mentally and emotionally.
Running in India has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years and Vizag is one of the cities catching up fast with this change.
running awards
active members
Run Events
85 Km
Miles Run
"From Beach to Hills, Vizag Runners Thrills"
Vizag now boasts of having a large enthusiastic runners community who have been running across the length and breadth of India in many marathons for over a decade, and some Vizag runners across different age categories have also been winning at the major marathon events in the country.
Vizag Runners is a social enterprise a complete non-profit organisation, which, inspired by the infinite health benefits possibilities of learning and growth that running as a sport offers, started as a small group of passionate runners in 2014, has grown with matured experienced runners, manifold registered as a society in 2021 with an aim to create awareness of health fitness in the community encourage people to make running or walking a part of their lives.
We have volunteers from the community coming forward to support all initiatives regarding environmental social causes too, like Say no to Drugs, Say no to single use Plastic, Save the Soil, Save the ocean to name a few. So, along with the focus on fitness developing a passion for running, we also try to make it a fun and a responsible social activity.
We have people from all walks of life, from all age categories, of all fitness levels who run with us, learning from the more experienced as well as from those novices who bring new energy, new knowledge to the table. We have walkers, walk/joggers, 10kers, half marathoners, marathoners, ultra marathoners, trail runners, triathletes and absolutely everything in between, aging from around 10 years, all the way up to around 70yrs.
Anyone can start running, but the challenge is in imbibing it as part of your lifestyle. That is where a community like Vizag Runners makes a difference. We create a family that acts as a support system to adopt running as part of your life. While a runner initially joins us for the personal benefits of health and fitness, soon they realize there is a larger meaning to their running and the community.
The community helps our runners evolve. Each one of us become better human beings, thanks to running. We understand the true meaning of discipline, determination, diligence, hard work, patience, respect, responsibility, humility, sacrifice, community, cooperation, hope....and the list goes on.
There is never a bad time to start as its never too early or too late to do so.
If you decide to run, regardless of the distance you cover, the speed you run at, your current level of endurance, whether you walked in between etc, YOU ARE A RUNNER!!
Statutory Warning: Running could very well engulf your life, infecting your social circles with the viral amusement of running.. Be prepared remember, You have been warned.